WMHSMUN is an opportunity for students to engage in hands-on learning about global issues in the international system. Our conference emphasizes collaborative discourse and resolution-building with a focus on professionalism throughout.

WMHSMUN follows the norms of parliamentary procedure (points, motions, speaker’s list, moderated caucuses, unmoderated caucuses, etc.) to keep committees focused, streamlined, and representative of delegates’ voices. We love these pages from BMUN and NAIMUN for further detailed information regarding parliamentary procedure.

Within our conference, there are three different types of committees: General Assemblies (GA’s), Specialized Agencies (SA’s), and Crisis Committees (Crisis). General Assemblies are the most traditional of our committee offerings, the largest in size, and involve no crisis elements, typically simulating one of the six operating bodies of the United Nations. Specialized Agencies are slightly smaller, usually simulate a non-UN body, and involve a limited amount of crisis elements. Crisis Committees are the smallest and most dynamic of the three, involving full backroom crisis elements.

How-To Parli-Pro William & Mary High School Model United Nations

How-To GA William & Mary High School Model United Nations

How-To SA William & Mary High School Model United Nations

How-To Crisis William & Mary High School Model United Nations